Friday, April 17, 2009

the end of it all

It's getting to that point of the year. Yes, it's the point where the reading assignments dwindle down to the point where I'm writing "end of year" on the pages instead of "end Week 5" or "end Week 10". It's the point of year where I spend time exclusively with school friends, affectionately known as "study partners" or "study groups", instead of balancing my life with church friends, show friends, family etc. And it's the point of year where I end up working on review at home without going to classes anymore. There are ups and downs, and of course it's an extremely stressful point of the year, but yet there's a certain satisfaction I derive from the focus. Things fall into neat categories: this week I spend on Wills, the next week I focus on another class. It's not entirely a process I detest or dread. It's the culmination of little bits of knowledge finally turning into spheres of overall knowledge and grasp of entire subjects. I know, I'm a nerd, and I'll still probably never do as well as I did first year when everything was fresh and passion-filled, but I have to admit -- I don't hate finals. That's all.

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