Saturday, February 14, 2009

new blog! and Mr Hatch

Ok here: it's been awhile since I had a public blog... I've been for the most part flying under the radar by blogging in LiveJournal, but seriously, I don't think my thoughts or my life need that much censorship... so here I am agin on Hope y'all enjoy these thoughts. I promise if I'm boring or weird I'll try to keep that to myself, and only share the good stuff. ;)

The biggest news of my life right now I guess is that "Somebody Loves You Mr Hatch" is closing this weekend. We had a great three week run including three school performances, and I think it's fair to say all involved enjoyed the process and the final product. I've been a bit of a Mr Hatch myself, because I have made more friends and had a better time with this show than any other DMTC show I played for before. I guess I just needed law school to loosen me up and give me some confidence to talk to people... or I just don't care anymore what people think about me. Whatever it is, we have an awesome cast and I love them to death. Especially the director: her thoughts and my piano knowledge basically created a musical score out of thin air, which is more than delightful, it's plain amazing. :) If you're in Davis, I encourage you to come to the show tomorrow at 2:15... brownies and lemonade are included in the ticket price!!!

1 comment:

  1. If I refused to write about everything in my life which is either boring or weird, there wouldn't be much left to share. I have the feeling that everything I do falls into one of those two categories.

    ...Stuff can be boring but good, after all, or weird but good.

    P.S. I bet the performance was amazing. Yay for community music production. We saw the university's production of Carmina Burana last semester, which was simply electrifying...
