Friday, November 13, 2009

vent about singing

Last night at rehearsal I was told that my voice is loud (high?) enough to shatter windows. I'm not sure whether to take this as a compliment or an insult... I'm fairly sensitive about my voice. I am always trying to make it better, which means experimenting with different sounds and the use / removal of vibrato. I started out as an alto in high school, sang second soprano for awhile and then became a soprano I in college, which I remain. I love love love singing high notes... there's a certain indescribable feeling that one feels when hitting them. But I've been told more than once recently that people hear me without a microphone as well as they hear others who are miked. In fact, one friend could hear me singing while they were in the bathroom at church... The main problem, of course, is that I cannot hear myself sing. However, I'm trying to listen and learn by what I hear from the speakers when I am miked. If you know me and have heard me sing, I would love pointers as to how to get the nicest sound. I fully believe I have the ability to be a good singer; I just need to keep practicing. So, don't be shy. Give me a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Well, opera singers are proud to be able to shatter a wine glass with a high note, so maybe take a page from their book and be proud of the power you have?

    Is there anyone in the area you could take lessons from? I recently met the concert master of the san francisco ballet, who is a virtuoso if ever I have heard one, and he still takes lessons from his old teacher a few times a year. I think everyone can always benefit from lessons - if you can find the right person in the area who can give them.

    I consider myself a writer, but I still beg people to proofread my work. It's the same thing - your teacher, your peers, your proofreader can offer a different perspective on pieces which you can no longer view objectively.
