Friday, October 30, 2009

The Ghost of Halloweens Past?

When I think about Halloween, I think about costumes and people. I think about what I've been and who I've shared it with.

I think about homemade costumes that were perfect (the big fat mouse, thx Mom, and the angel) and some that were not (Polychrome, daughter of the Rainbow who turned out to look more like a bag lady than anything else) (sorry, Mom). Then there was the year I was Pippi Longstocking with help from friends and a wire hanger that yes, I strung through my hair. And how many times I've been a black cat (3 or 4, I can't remember now).

But more than the costumes, I remember the people I spent those Halloweens with. How we toured each of each others' neighborhoods, how we traded candies at the end of the night so we each got what we really wanted, how I tried to leapfrog over a bike divider pole and ate asphalt near my friends's house. How I am so close to those memories-- physically, only two blocks away-- and yet so far, in time and in location both (that friend is moving back to the Bay very soon). Of course, I'm making new memories every year, and I'm enjoying new friends and their costumes and friendship just as I have celebrated every year with older ones. I just hope this Halloween will be one I can look back on and be happy with, another memory on the totem pole of life. That's all.

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